Parks and Squares
María del Carmen Díez Park
Disfruta de un parque con 5.419 m² de zonas verdes, área infantil, pista de patinaje y deportiva, y una variedad de árboles exóticos.
The Mª Carmen Díez Park has a surface area of 5,419 m² and has a children's area, a skating rink and a sports area. If you walk through this green area you can find the following trees: Indian laurel, ficus benjamin, rubber tree, stone and insigne pine, Canary Island palm, privet, cocos plumoso, brachichito, plum pissardi and pipe cleaner. To find out the situation of each of the species mentioned, you can consult the Parks Guide, which is published at the beginning of the list of parks.
Constitution Square
Plaza de España
Sohail College Park
Fantasy Park
Poniente Park
Natural Park
River Park
Plaza Public Skate Park
Guau Guau Dog Park 2
Castle Park
La Duquesa Park
Andrés López Yebra Square
Bernabé Tierno Park
La Veguilla Park
Plaza de La Hispanidad
Las Palmeras Park
Guardia Civil Park
John Paul II Park
María del Carmen Díez Park
Ibiza Park
Children's Park
Parque del Sol
Rosario Park
Europa Park
Las Presas Park
Los Helechos Park
Pacolitos Park
Syalis Park
La Reina Park
La Cantera Park
Guau Guau Dog Park
Park of the Yacimiento (Finca del Secretario)
Thumbelina Park
Sports Park
San Álvaro Park
Parque de España
Footballers' Park
Los Naranjos Park
Plaza del Carmen